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Who Was... What was... Book Series REVIEW

I have to tell you about a new book series I've found. It's called "Who Was..." and is written by Penguin Books for kids. If you're looking for a way to introduce historical people, places, and events to your children in a fun and interesting way, this book series is for you. As a disclaimer: NO, I have not been asked to do this by the publisher. In fact, I LITERALLY just got back from the bookstore, where I sat for twenty minutes trying to decide who I wanted to read about first with my children and students.

After taking nearly forever to decide, I finally settled on Helen Keller, Jane Goodall, Mozart, and The First Thanksgiving. My tutor student, "A", is reading "Pocahontas" from the Oxford Dominoes book series. Seeing Powhatan's name in the book about the first Thanksgiving, I felt like she might like to read it. The books are good for kids who have been reading for a couple years -- it depends on the level of your child. A's little sister, M, is five years old. She's just begining to read English, and is really interested in catching up to her big sister. A is an amazingly strong reader. She has a huge vocabulary, and is about on par with kids her age who are native speakers of English.

Back on topic -- this book series is AMAZING. I absolutely love how they have interesting bobblehead style images on the covers to catch kids' attention. I really, really like how they include pictures and images to show what is being talked about. They have diagrams of instruments and other things, technical terms, timelines, and more. Some of the books about places even include fold-out maps! If you haven't seen this book series yet, I strongly suggest looking into it. If you live in Taiwan, Caves bookstore is having a sale on the books until August 31st. Caves Bookstore: Who Was Book Series: Penguin Books for Kids:

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